Sunday, March 3
Just recently, Lilly has started raising both of her arms up
into the air for no apparent reason other than she has figured out that she
can. She will be sitting and playing
with her toys and then all of a sudden she lifts up her arms above her head for
a second and then she puts them back down.
I have started trying to get her to do it at specific times, but she isn't into that; she wants to put them up only when she feels like.
Chad, Michelle, Allie and Ryan came over tonight. It was fun to catch up and hang out with everyone. The kids are always so great with Lilly, and it warms my heart to see how much they love to play with her. I also love how much Michelle (and Chad of course) love her as well. It's amazing how much love Lilly has in her life and she's only 9 months old! :o)
Chad, Michelle, Allie and Ryan came over tonight. It was fun to catch up and hang out with everyone. The kids are always so great with Lilly, and it warms my heart to see how much they love to play with her. I also love how much Michelle (and Chad of course) love her as well. It's amazing how much love Lilly has in her life and she's only 9 months old! :o)
Monday, March 4
Darren took the day off today because Kristi needed the day
off. I was jealous that he got to spend
a whole day with Lilly, but I really needed to be at work. He sent me a picture of her eating Cheerios
during the day and I was sad for a minute that I wasn't there, but then I was
excited that Darren was able to get quality Daddy/daughter time without Mommy
in the way ;-)
When I got home Lilly and I were playing with Maggie (which is one of Lilly’s favorite things to do). Maggie has a stuffed lobster toy with rope legs with which Lilly loves to play tug-a-war. Maggie had been chewing on the toy before we started playing and instead of grabbing at the rope part like she normally does, Lilly was grabbing at the stuffed tail area. When she grabbed it, she pulled her hand back and visibly shuddered because the toy was wet from Maggie chewing on it! I fell over laughing! I had never seen her do that before. She did it several other times, though not quite as dramatic, and it was hilarious. She wasn't upset that the toy was wet, I think it just surprised her (and was highly amusing for me!)
Lilly enjoyed getting some tickles from Daddy on the couch.
When I got home Lilly and I were playing with Maggie (which is one of Lilly’s favorite things to do). Maggie has a stuffed lobster toy with rope legs with which Lilly loves to play tug-a-war. Maggie had been chewing on the toy before we started playing and instead of grabbing at the rope part like she normally does, Lilly was grabbing at the stuffed tail area. When she grabbed it, she pulled her hand back and visibly shuddered because the toy was wet from Maggie chewing on it! I fell over laughing! I had never seen her do that before. She did it several other times, though not quite as dramatic, and it was hilarious. She wasn't upset that the toy was wet, I think it just surprised her (and was highly amusing for me!)
Lilly enjoyed getting some tickles from Daddy on the couch.
Tuesday, March 5
Lilly clapped her hands for the first time today! This morning when we were done nursing, she
put her little hands together and I said, “Lilly, are you going to clap your
hands? Go ahead and clap your hands” and
she did! She started clapping! She did it several more times that day for us
and also for Kristi.
People have told me that my favorite stage with Lilly will
be whatever stage she is in and I think they are right. I admit I was a little nervous about this
stage because she is starting to develop her own personality and she is more
demanding of what she wants but can’t really communicate (which makes things
tricky sometimes). However, seeing Lilly
learn new things almost every day, developing new skills, and taking in every
new experience has really made me love this stage!
Wednesday, March 6
I love how “talkative” Lilly is. She is constantly babbling to herself and to
us, and she loves being heard. I
sometimes feel like I know what she is trying to say because, even though she isn't using any actual words yet, her tone and pitch change depending on what
she is feeling and what she wants (if anything). I have been taking a lot of video of her
lately so I can capture her babbling and remember it. Time is going by so fast and Lilly is growing
so quickly that I don’t want to forget these wonderful moments.
Lilly played a game with Daddy tonight with her fish
toys. She loves to chew on these toys
because they are a harder plastic.
Darren started asking Lilly if he could have them and he would open his
mouth and Lilly would put the toy in his mouth!
It was so funny! She then played
tug-a-war with him and tried to get her toy back. I love watching Darren and Lilly play
together. He is so great with her and I
can see how much she loves her Daddy.
When I went to get Lilly this morning, she was still sound asleep, laying on her tummy with her little tush up in the air. The morning sunlight was coming in from her window and she looked like such an angel. I hate having to wake her up not only because I know I hate not waking up on my own so I assume she does too, but also because I would just stay there all day and look at how beautiful she is. She is beautiful awake, don't get me wrong, but there is someone so angelic and peaceful about a sleeping baby. I can actually feel an ache in my heart when I look at her because I love her so much. It's crazy!
Lilly makes herself comfortable wherever she likes, including on Jessica's feet!
Lilly waved for the first time today! She is so cute flapping her little arm up and down! I feel bad because when she learns a new skill, we kind of go a little bonkers trying to get her to do it for us, as if she is a trick pony, but we are just so excited! I will try to get some video of her doing it, but for now you'll just have to take my word for it :o)

We are usually completely exhausted when we get home on Fridays, but today the three of us sat in the living room and just played all afternoon and evening. At about 6:30 I mentioned to Darren how nice it was that we didn't even turn on the TV for "background noise" because we don't have cable anyway and he said he doesn't even miss it. I definitely appreciate that we don't have the TV on for the sake of having it on anymore and that we give all of our attention to Lilly and each other.
Lilly still doesn't like to crawl, but she definitely finds strange and interesting new ways to move around!

See, she is happy again ;o)
We went out to lunch at Cooley's today. I was a little hesitant because last time we went there, Lilly did not really enjoy herself. Last time was kind of our fault though because we didn't have the high chair cover and I wasn't confident that she would sit in the high chair by herself, so she had to sit in her carseat. Well, we remembered the cover this time and Lilly was PERFECT! She sat the entire time and played by herself, ate Cheerios and charmed every person who came by. The waitress and the owner absolutely loved her. She was so adorable I had to take some video.
I have to admit, my heart breaks a little looking at these next pictures because my baby girl look so grown up! She is siting by herself, feeding herself and she looks like a little girl now. Like I said, I LOVE each new stage with her and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, but I do miss my little lumpy baby who would just snuggle on my chest and fall asleep. I guess that is why people say they need to get a "baby fix". I didn't get it before; now I get it!
I discovered "burst" mode on my phone, which takes 20 pictures in the course of about 10 seconds, so I was able to get some really cute smiley pictures!
Thursday, March 7
When I went to get Lilly this morning, she was still sound asleep, laying on her tummy with her little tush up in the air. The morning sunlight was coming in from her window and she looked like such an angel. I hate having to wake her up not only because I know I hate not waking up on my own so I assume she does too, but also because I would just stay there all day and look at how beautiful she is. She is beautiful awake, don't get me wrong, but there is someone so angelic and peaceful about a sleeping baby. I can actually feel an ache in my heart when I look at her because I love her so much. It's crazy!
Lilly makes herself comfortable wherever she likes, including on Jessica's feet!
Lilly waved for the first time today! She is so cute flapping her little arm up and down! I feel bad because when she learns a new skill, we kind of go a little bonkers trying to get her to do it for us, as if she is a trick pony, but we are just so excited! I will try to get some video of her doing it, but for now you'll just have to take my word for it :o)
Friday, March 8
I have been trying to give Lilly different finger foods instead of just purees and Cheerios, but she hasn't been very interested. Last night I gave her a pizza crust and a slice of apple to munch on, but she wasn't too fond of either. She gummed the crust for a few seconds and put the apple in her mouth, but both ended up being used more as toys than anything else. Then today Kristi send me a picture of Lilly gnawing on a piece of apple! I was excited that she was trying it and I thought it was funny that Kristi had the same idea, even though I never told her we tried an apple the night before (Lilly has already had pureed apples, so there was no worry about a reaction).
Lilly apparently liked watching Kristi's daughter, Jessica, get ready for work (at the new Target!!!)

Lilly still doesn't like to crawl, but she definitely finds strange and interesting new ways to move around!
Oooh. What is that you have there, Mom?
Maybe if I look away and keep smiling she won't notice my hand slowly moving toward her...
Aha! I got it!

Saturday, March 9
I love this picture because it shows Lilly's "angry" face. She scrunches up her face and pouts her lips so her upper lip is right under her nose, they breathes in and out of her nose really hard so you can really hear it. It's so funny! I know I shouldn't laugh because she is "angry" but I can't help it!
See, she is happy again ;o)
We went out to lunch at Cooley's today. I was a little hesitant because last time we went there, Lilly did not really enjoy herself. Last time was kind of our fault though because we didn't have the high chair cover and I wasn't confident that she would sit in the high chair by herself, so she had to sit in her carseat. Well, we remembered the cover this time and Lilly was PERFECT! She sat the entire time and played by herself, ate Cheerios and charmed every person who came by. The waitress and the owner absolutely loved her. She was so adorable I had to take some video.
I have to admit, my heart breaks a little looking at these next pictures because my baby girl look so grown up! She is siting by herself, feeding herself and she looks like a little girl now. Like I said, I LOVE each new stage with her and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, but I do miss my little lumpy baby who would just snuggle on my chest and fall asleep. I guess that is why people say they need to get a "baby fix". I didn't get it before; now I get it!
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