Sunday, March 31
Happy Easter! We had a low key Easter this year since Lilly is still very young, but it was fun nonetheless. We went to Bagels Plus for breakfast and Lilly enjoyed sitting like a big girl and eating Cheerios while we had breakfast. She is so great in restaurants.
When we got home we gave Lilly her Easter basket. We obviously weren't going to give her candy, so we got her some new books and a princess cup. I know that sounds strange, but Lilly LOVES cups! We keep one on her high chair all the time because she loves to play with it, so we figures she would love the cup.
Judging by this fave, I think you can see we were right!
I did put some empty Easter eggs in her basket as well because when we did the egg hunt last week, she enjoyed holding them and trying to put them in her mouth.
Books seemed to be the other logical gift because Lilly plays with her books so much and loves when we read to her. Her favorite books right now is actually a Teletubby book.
I think Lilly really enjoyed her first Easter!
It was also Lilly's 42 week birthday! My beautiful girl is getting so big! She cut her other top tooth today, so pretty soon you'll see four pearly whites showing in this beautiful baby girl smile!
It was a little chilly, but the sun was out so we decided to take a walk. Lilly was definitely ready to get out and enjoy some sunshine!
Monday, April 1
After Lilly went to bed for the night, Darren and I both said that this was one of our favorite days with Lilly. She was just so happy all day! It was the warmest day so far during track out, so we spent quite a bit of time outside (maybe that helped?) but she was absolultey in the best mood all day. We just played, took walks, went out to the store and enjoyed every minute with our baby. There was nothing particularly eventful, because everything was just perfect. This is just a little taste of the joy we had all day with our Lilly.
Tuesday, April 2
We had a play date today with Matt and Jessica's daughters, Ana and Emma. It is always so great to see them. It amazes me to see Lilly and Emma developing and growing up together. Every time we get together they are doing something new and surprising us. This time they were both a lot stronger and more mobile, so it was funny to watch them go after toys and play together. Sharing is definitely not a concept that 9/10 month olds get!
It was funny because there were SO many toys all over the place, but the girls only wanted the toy that the other had. And one they got it, they were no longer very interested.
I wish I had a better picture of all 3 girls, but at least you get to see the Robinson girls' beautiful blue eyes!

Lilly's latest trick is using her feet to help her read her books. She really does have monkey toes!
Wednesday, April 3
Lilly has started giving us the most adorable scrunchy-faced smile. I cannot get enough of it! The funny thing is that I used to make a very similar face when I was a baby. I was actually watching old home movies from my childhood and I saw a lot of similarities between Lilly and baby me. I think she has my smile and nose, but Darren's eyes. When I was watching the home movies, Lilly was waving to baby me on the TV. It was hilarious!
Lilly is definitely mobile, but it's hard to call what she does crawling. It's not really scootching either. It's sort of a combination of the worm and the army crawl. Check it out!
Thursday, April 4
Darren and I decided to have a "date day" and Kristi offered to watch Lilly for the afternoon while we went to lunch and a movie. We still got to have a fun morning with our little peanut I love the picture of her giving her bear a kiss. She is so gentle and sweet, even with her stuffed animals.
We went to Jared and Carissa's for dinner that night and Addie and Drew were so cute with Lilly! They both wanted to hold her as soon as we walked in and they were so gentle and sweet with her. Addie read a Rapunzel book to Lilly and Drew helped me feed her Cheerios at dinner. It's so nice that Lilly has so many amazing adults and also amazing kids in her life who love her.
Friday, April 5
It was such a beautiful day today! We were originally going to head to the beach today, but it was going to be nicer in Fuquay than the beach, so we put our vacation off for one day. It seemed like the perfect day to go to the park! Lilly has never been to the playground, so I was really excited to take her (I was admittedly more excited than Lilly).
Lilly was all ready to go and waving to her fans ;-)
We put Lilly in the swing and she really seemed to like it! She's still a little small, so we ticked her blanket into the seat with her so she didn't slide around. There was another baby int he swing next to her and Lilly watched her the whole time, waved to her and tried to talk to her. It was so cute!
I also took Lilly down the slide for the first time too. Again, I think I was more excited than she was, but it was fun! I just love that so many experiences are brand new to Lilly. It's amazing to experience things for the firs time with her.
Saturday, April 6
Let me start out with a HUGE, GIGANTIC shout out to Marcy and John Q for letting us use their beach house!!! We are so lucky to have you in our lives! Our visit to Oak Island was amazing and it is thanks to you!!!
Our first day in Oak Island we actually went to Southport to walk around and see the local shops. Apparently the movie Safe Haven (based on the Nicholas Sparks novel) was filmed there, so the town has a new claim to fame :o) I can see why a movie was filmed there because the town is really nice and right on the water. We stopped in to a couple of bakeries to get some treats and browsed through a lot of different stores. It was a great way to start our vacation.
Lilly definitely enjoyed her first night in Oak Island!
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